Tuesday, May 3, 2011

K and the Sauce Pan - Do the Ska Nana 7" (1980)

Quirky female-fronted band from France.



  1. cheers for this one man. I bought this years ago and lost it when I moved house. This is the first time I've seen it anywhere again. Much appreciated.


  2. Have you already got any Janitors against Apartheid demos to post?

  3. Jambojim:
    I'm glad it's appreciated. It took me years to find it. There's almost nothing about it on line so it's good that there are some people in the world who remember it.

    I have a few of their demos that I was planning on posting today but I don't have the time I thought I would have today.
    I hope to have them up in the next week.
    I also have just about everything by One Eye Open and I was planning on posting them as well.

    I have Moppin for Equality, Nga-Ga Mom, and Pizza O'Clock as well as the Nerds split (I have all 3 covers for that one...if only I can find 'em)

  4. Yeah,your the best.Plaese post the Janitors and One Eye Open demos as soon as possible.I can't wait to hear them.

  5. So great. Love the trashy, bouncy b-side! Thanx for posting this, really enjoying it. Can't beat that sleeve either!
