This is the second and last in the series released by Tudor Rock records. There were volumes 3 and 4 that were put out on a different Swiss label called Leech records. I don't know what the connection is and I don't have vols. 3 & 4. I got this cd because it was cheaper than the Spots 7". I don't know what the b-side sounds like and sometimes it's a hell of a gamble to pay a high price for a record when you already have one of the songs and the other one is complete shit. (The Charlie Parkas "Ballad of Robin Hood" for example.)
1 Radio Active - James Bone
2 Schlössch - I Ask Myself
3 The Peacocks - Living in a Town
4 Cadizier - Die Nachbarn
5 Les Congélateurs - Ace of Space
6 Kalles Kaviar - Stand By Me
7 Godzilla - Body Count
8 Peacestreet - El Nino de Ringo
9 Wicked - Julie
10 Hans 'N' Moses - Body
11 The Spots - Mr. Career
12 Aligaga - La Grève 13 The Ventilators - Try Me One More Time
Volume 1 was posted a few years ago on the Ruder Than Rude blog but if you need it:
1- The Ventilators - Blue Beat Sky 2- Nude Club - Tree 3- Les Enfants De St. Gall - Mexico 4-Lucky Hiob - Röschtiland 5- Jimmy Bastard - Looser 6- Crank - I'm A Reiser 7-The Noses - Ai,Ai,Ai 8- Free Cheese For All - Blue Beat Confrontation 9-The Peacocks - My Generation 10- Jolly And The Flytrap - Gäng-Bäng 11- Die Aeronauten - Du Wärst So Gern Dabei 12- Melk Them - I Love You 13- The Monsters - Whisky Song 14- The Ventilators - Mystification 15- Free Cheese For All - Louis Goes To The Guigoz DOWNLOAD
Musick that Needed Work - R: Randy Jacobs
Randy Jacobs was born in San Francisco & raised in Detroit. He started
playing a music at the age of 13. After graduating from high school, Jacobs
Various Artists - Big Bamboo Sample
Studio One LP 2025 FLAC originally released in 1974. This reissue has a
couple of bonus tracks and is a really nice pressing.
This album was meant to be...
DORIAN GRAY Dorian Gray 1997
*by request*
Shoegaze band from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The band formed in the fall of
1994 and split in January 2005.
1 ...
The Quireboys - Well Oiled
Banda: *The Quireboys*
Disco: *Well Oiled*
Ano: 2004
Gênero: Blues-Rock, Sleaze Rock, Hard Rock, Pop-Metal
1. Good To See You (4:13)
2. The Finer St...
V/A - Ei Gude Wie 2015
Back with a local compilation from the beautiful state of Hesse and this
beauty features Hessian Cult Hits, that's says the cover but cult isn't the
Modcast #577: Floor Fillers
*Listen Now Download*
From deep within the bowels of Suave Manor in -somewhat- beautiful West
Seattle on this third rock from the sun comes another pack...
Catalist - You Linger On (1981)
b/w Dear Lynne
Great Punk/Powerpop from this Scottish (Drumchapel) 4 piece
*Iain Tacey* (Guitar Voc) *Main Voc On You Linger On*
*Micky Williamson* (Guita...
VA - Another Thing From The Crypt (1984)
Сборник *"Another Thing From The Crypt" *это ничто иное, как продолжение *"Thing
From The Crypt"*, выпущенное спустя три года после предшественника в 1984 ...
Never Noooh No - NNN Demo Tape (1984)
I first heard about this band on the incredible "In Depth Music" YouTube
channel where the 7" was posted. Lots of really great things on that
channel bu...
New album on the way - help needed!
I've spent the last couple of months working on my first album. Tentatively
called "Et Tu?" it is a deliberate attempt to write and produce songs that
Espiando en los 80's Vol 11
1-NY Citizens - El Front de Nationale
2-The Untouchables - Johnny
3-The Villains - Life Of Crime
4-Skavengers - Party Girls
5-Roberto Jacketti &...
Jimmy Cliff - The Power And The Glory 1983 FLAC
*O Primeiro e Ultimo*
Depois de 14 anos chega ao fim a jornada deste blog. E eu escolhi o
primeiro album de Reggae que meu pai me presenteou quando eu ti...
# 569 Ricky & the Spitfires - Rock'n'roll singer
Side a: Rock'n'roll singer
Side b: It's against the rules
DK 1978
Very fine powerpop record by this South African R'n'R group. It was
released on a danish...
Yo Sí Le Brinco - Desgracias, Gracias (2022)
“Somos una banda de punk rock originarios de leon gto. Decidimos hacer la
banda en tiempos pandemicos con el pretexto de poder salir del encierro y
Ore Ska Band
* ============================================================ Artist : Ore
Ska Band Album : ITOKASHI Genre : -=Ska-Punk=- Bitrate : VBR ~31...
New Heavensbee Album "We Mean Business" Released
After nearly 2 years of writing and recording, I'm excited to finally share
a pre-order link for the new Heavensbee album "We Mean Business" which will ...
No Comply
*Biography : *
No Comply are from Belgrade, Serbia. The band started in 2001, and made a
come back couple of years ago. A very good band from a country ...
Aggressive son una banda Street Punk Oi! de Ruhrpott, Alemania.
2015- Spit Blood
01- Aggressive
02- Chain Reaction
03- Alone With The Wolve...