Saturday, February 22, 2025

Skavoovie and the Epitones - An Evening with Skavoovie (1994)

 This re-up post is by request. I originally posted this in 2017 and I assure you the post was from my own rip of the tape.

When I saw that somebody requested this I went looking through my old stuff and I could not find it. I sold the original tape years ago but I was certain I kept the MP3s and the scans. Well, not certain, but pretty sure. But I couldn't find it anywhere. Luckily I found this version on Soulseek. It was originally WAV files and I converted them to MP3 and I think it sounds pretty good. I don't remember what my old rip sounds like so I don't know if this is a better version or worse or exactly the same. But it seems it's the only copy I have and I am lucky to have it and to be able to share it so I thank the anonymous person who took the time to do their own rip and share it with us. 

1 Mint Julep

2 One Eyed Giant

3 Batman

4 She Sure Can Cook

5 Sonic Boom

6 Solomon Gundey

7 Nut Monkey

8 Hi-Ball



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this!!! Really appreciate it!!!!