This is the second and last in the series released by Tudor Rock records. There were volumes 3 and 4 that were put out on a different Swiss label called Leech records. I don't know what the connection is and I don't have vols. 3 & 4. I got this cd because it was cheaper than the Spots 7". I don't know what the b-side sounds like and sometimes it's a hell of a gamble to pay a high price for a record when you already have one of the songs and the other one is complete shit. (The Charlie Parkas "Ballad of Robin Hood" for example.)
1 Radio Active - James Bone
2 Schlössch - I Ask Myself
3 The Peacocks - Living in a Town
4 Cadizier - Die Nachbarn
5 Les Congélateurs - Ace of Space
6 Kalles Kaviar - Stand By Me
7 Godzilla - Body Count
8 Peacestreet - El Nino de Ringo
9 Wicked - Julie
10 Hans 'N' Moses - Body
11 The Spots - Mr. Career
12 Aligaga - La Grève
13 The Ventilators - Try Me One More Time
Volume 1 was posted a few years ago on the Ruder Than Rude blog but if you need it:
1- The Ventilators - Blue Beat Sky
2- Nude Club - Tree
3- Les Enfants De St. Gall - Mexico
4-Lucky Hiob - Röschtiland
5- Jimmy Bastard - Looser
6- Crank - I'm A Reiser
7-The Noses - Ai,Ai,Ai
8- Free Cheese For All - Blue Beat Confrontation
9-The Peacocks - My Generation
10- Jolly And The Flytrap - Gäng-Bäng
11- Die Aeronauten - Du Wärst So Gern Dabei
12- Melk Them - I Love You
13- The Monsters - Whisky Song
14- The Ventilators - Mystification
15- Free Cheese For All - Louis Goes To The Guigoz
JOHNETTE NAPOLITANO Sound of A Woman cassette 1998
Johnette Napolitano Biography by Timothy Monger
Although she is best known as the lead singer and bassist for Los Angeles
alternative r...
7 hours ago
Existe alguna posibilidad de que pongas disponibles estos álbumes por favor?? Te lo agradecería mucho :)
No puedo encontrarlo en este momento, pero estoy buscando. Lo publicaré nuevamente en la próxima semana o dos con los 4 volúmenes
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