Nerds (1995).
Nerds had 3 different covers. This download includes all three.
This is the first cd cover. It came shrink-wrapped with a box of Nerds candy:

The cassette cover looked like a box of Nerds candy:

The second cd cover. There's a reason for this cover. The story is included in the download:

1 Janitors Against Apartheid - Down
2 Janitors Against Apartheid - No 2nd Chance
3 Janitors Against Apartheid - Here to Stay
4 Janitors Against Apartheid - I Am
5 Janitors Against Apartheid - Oh...OK!
6 Janitors Against Apartheid - Moon Patrol
7 Janitors Against Apartheid - Choose Your Identity
8 One Eye Open - I Like Mexican Girls
9 One Eye Open - Sumfin 4 Da Quincey
10 One Eye Open - Chess Becomes Chinese Checkers
11 One Eye Open - Doity Ol' Sock
12 One Eye Open - Sour Dough Head
13 One Eye Open - Where Food's a Circus
14 One Eye Open - Blue Gene Blues
15 "hidden track" space adventure
http://www.mediafire.com/?zx0f9w3i1bdgu65(...and I should have used this on my
Janitors Against Apartheid post)

One Eye Open released a full length called
Hellaut, a split LP with the band Schlong, and a 7" called
Boobs: The Incomplete Set which are all available for free download on Very Small Records' own blog
Boobs 7" is a collection of t.v. show theme songs and commercials that was originally on cassette. There wasn't enough room for all of them on the 7" - hence "incomplete set".
Here is their "Roblits" demo with some other odds and ends:
Roblits1 Chess Becomes Chinese Checkers
2 Sour Dough Hed
3 Efram is a Very Good Boy
4 I Like Mexican Girls
5 Paul Sharar
OtherDrunski '96 (Not Beyond)
Dirty Fucking Scumbag
Poo Poo Kiss
Public Enemy #1 (Motley Crue cover)
Time Out for Fun (Devo cover)
Ska Parade Metal Theme
http://www.mediafire.com/?zds46ffi5kcp6y7Punk End Theory demo1 Interplanetary Sun
2 Al B. Fungless
3 Anu Neighbor
4 Bean Pie (Snake Eyes Mix)
5 Life in a Tree
6 Interplanetary Music (part 1)
7 This is Drunkski
8 Butt Vader
9 The Laughing Song (Residents cover)
http://www.mediafire.com/?rxudkew5dncefgeLive on the Ska Parade1 I Like Mexican Girls
2 New Zoo Revue
3 Special Learn
4 Baseball Baseball
5 The Ska Parade
6 Chess Becomes Chinese Checkers
8 Saved by the Bell
9 The Young Ones
10 Paul Sharar