Monday, January 2, 2023

One monkey don't stop no show.

 As you might have guessed the contention between myself and the 'gentleman' from Skaville City has been going on for quite some time. I have mentioned on this blog before that there was a time I was harassed by somebody because I didn't send them the music that they demanded quickly enough. This was because I was in the hospital with my wife who was giving birth to my youngest child. I thought that any normal human being would understand that I wasn't able to rip a record and send it to them because I was in the hospital because my wife was giving birth.

His response was "So? I make time for you, you need to make time for me!"

I have never heard such chutzpah in my life.

My youngest is about to turn four years old here shortly. That's how long I have been tolerating this guy and I have kept my mouth shut. For four years. He somehow found me on Reddit and delivered his bombardment of insults and slander. I know there were a few people on r/ska that knew who I was so he probably found out through them. I liked being anonymous on r/ska. I got told on a regular basis that I know nothing about ska by teenagers who obsess over Streetlight Manifesto. It was fun.

So, for those of you who who say I'm whining and trying to get attention, let me ask you, how long would you tolerate this?:

All of these comments (there were over 60 of them) came in over the course of more than three hours last night. It would have been about 4:00 to 7:00 in the morning British time. According to the analytics all but three of them came from the same source. 

I didn't post the libelous comments, and there were lots of them, for legal reasons but I have every intention of suing whoever made those comments and anybody else aiding them. This will not be hard to prove who did it because I still have all of our old communications. There are two giveaways that link beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were authored by the same person. The first is the over-use of the term "sleazeball". I am pretty sure I have never in my life heard anybody use this term in serious conversations. Only one person. 

As I have said in my comments I will try to keep the blog going for just one more year but, to be honest, I don't think I'll make it that far. I legitimately bored of the whole thing. 

After I made the post that I was done I had some regrets about things that I really wished I had posted before I do call it quits. I'm not going out like that. I'm not letting one person chase me out of my own blog. I don't only have music to share but a treasure trove of vintage ska 'zines that were donated to us by Rikard. I have started digitizing them but it is a hell of a task. It's taking longer than I imagined. Even if this blog still stands I might post them at Internet Archives. If I do decide to shut the blog down for my own sanity or if the 'gentleman' finds a way of getting me shut down then look for me at the Internet Archives.


There are lots of people who collect rare ska music and they keep it to themselves. Hoarding it. Making sure you never get to hear it. Somehow those are the good guys. 

Me? I post my stuff for anybody who wants it without asking for anything in return. I'm the stupid asshole evil bad guy sleazeball who doesn't know anything about ska. I don't get it.


For those of you who made comments of appreciation I thank you. That will keep me going despite that it really doesn't make any sense to do so. 

I have decided a while back to do another Facebook page. I know nobody really uses Facebook anymore so I never really did anything with the page but now I think I'll take pictures and videos of my collection and let you guys have a say in what I post next. It's not private. Not yet anyway. I don't have a Twitter or Instagram or any other social media unless you consider Discogs. MY FACEBOOK page will be the best way to communicate with me. I don't have friends or family on this page. There's no politics or humor or anything else. Just music.


The end is nigh. 




Vampa said...

Tengo años siguiendo tu blog y ya te envié la solicitud de Facebook y no tendrás escaneadas flayers de conciertos de ska ya que yo colaboró en un Tianguis de rock en la ciudad de México y podría montar una exposición de ellas yo las imprmiria gracias espero tu respuesta

jonder said...

I will be sad to see your blog end, but I can see why you won't miss the insults and ingratitude!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for your work.
There is music i would not even know without you.

Best wishes to you, your family and all the concious people arround.

And, of course, you are not a "sleazball". Whatever that means. Google just collapsed by translating :)

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Anonymous said...

What childish! Spoiled brat for sure...
Hope everything goes well with your family.
Keep up the good work , really enjoying your blog.
Regards, Real deal Ska-fan

Tone and Wave said...

Thank you real ska fan. I plan on keeping it going but I really am running low on pure ska and what I have left is ska-ish My MEGA account is nearing its limit so I have to come up with a back-up plan. I'm working on it. Lot's more good stuff to come.

I will be doing a video showing what I have that hasn't been posted yet and I'll let the people decide what I post next.

Tone and Wave said...


Los flyers pueden ser interesantes. que años son?

Tone and Wave said...


It will be sad for me too. It's been a part of my life for 15 years. If somebody told me at the beginning I would make it to the 5-year mark I would not have believed it.

The insults and harassment is much more than I'm exposing and it has been going on for years. I thought ignoring it and not giving them attention was the best way to deal with it but it just doesn't stop. So now I decided to call them out and now I'm accused of whining and trying to get attention. I can't win.

But all that should not be important. The focus of this blog should be the music. Since I know I have one year at the most I need to step up my efforts and try to post more often. It won't all be great but if I have it I'll post it. It's coming to an end but this could be the best year the blog's ever had. Let's see what happens.

Tone and Wave said...

Anonymous said...

"Thank you very much for your work.
There is music i would not even know without you.

Best wishes to you, your family and all the concious people arround.

And, of course, you are not a "sleazball". Whatever that means. Google just collapsed by translating :)"

I looked up the definition of 'sleazeball' and it turns out it means somebody who is raunchy or perverted. I can't think of a time I ever posted anything perverted or raunchy. Sometimes little kids just call people names that they think are offensive without knowing the meaning of them.

But thank you for the feedback. Someday I might do a 'greatest hits' of the blog and let you, the people, decide what the best music on this blog is. Maybe I'll make my list and compare it to the people's choice and see how well I know what the people want.

Anonymous said...

Assholes are evrywhere.
You make us happy with sounds.
Thank you Man

flowfly said...

Thanks so much for your blog and evrything! I check it since something like ever! And you are still there and offer us so rare skanking unknown music!! others blogs like freeskafoundation or 2tone stopped sinces years, you are the one!! shame on this ugly youtube thief who has nothing to do with rudies!
Thanks so much! Full peace! Full love!

radley j phoenix said...

First thank you for all the killer music you've shared over the years! I've dug it! As someone who just ended their long running ska sharing endeavor, I know what it feels like to put work in, then get it all out there, to sometimes get ire directed back at you. Cheers to if you are ending it or not, hell of a run either way!

Skafa said...

Oh Sad news... I just heard you are closing Tone & Wave. You have really accomplished something great with your collection and sharing. You probably have the most complete rare ska collection that will ever be. You have pushed Desmond Dekker aside... You are now The King of Ska. THANK YOU!